Murray Stories
The influence of Scottish Missionaries in Southern Africa
Lovedale in the Eastern Cape There are two reasons why I include this short section on Lovedale in this article: the first is that we have here another Scottish project into southern Africa, and the second reason is that products of the...
Die Murray vertaling van die Bybel in Chichewa
Die volgende interessante uitknipsel uit Die Burger van 3 Augustus 1982 is ingestuur deur Emma Horn. Dit gaan oor wyle Dr Willie Murray (William Tak, MFR b3c8), bekend as “Die Baas” van die destydse Nyasasending, vandag bekend as Malawi,...
Die Halleluja
Ds Charles Murray (1833-1904; MFR b5) was die vyfde kind van ds en mev Andrew Murray, en sy vader se opvolger te Graaff-Reinet. Sy opleiding het hy ontvang by die Goewerment Skool te Graaff-Reinet, die South African College en Utrecht,...
Die Familie in Rhodesië (Zimbabwe) 1975
Nadat ons geskryf het oor die familie in Malawi, wou ons graag hierdie keer iets sê oor die familie in Rhodesië, en Ettie Brand (MFR b7c4d5) was so vriendelik om vir ons die volgende te laat kry: Andrew Louw (MFR b7c4) het op 9 September...
B5 Charles and Amelia Murray
Charles was the fifth child (the fourth son) of Andrew and Maria Murray. As a little child of four he was miraculously saved from drowning when he fell into a dam and was already unconscious when discovered. He received his education...
B4 Maria (Murray) Neethling (1831 – 1912)
Ons voorblad toon die foto’s van Maria, die vierde kind en oudste dogter van ons stamouers, Amdrew en Maria (Stegmann) Murray, en haar man Johannes Henoch Neethling (1826 – 1904). Maria ontvang haar eerste lesse aan moedersknie. Twaalf...
John Kriel Murray (1904-1995) b3c9d5
John Murray is in Robertson gebore, die vyfde van tien kinders van ds John Murray en vrou Susie Kriel. Ná haar man se dood het die bekende tant Susie vir baie jare in Stellenbosch gewoon waar haar kinders universiteit toe is. John besit...
Andrew Murray Poem
Oh where did he go, that Highlands lad, From the crossroads deep in bracken and heather Where he and his brother, about to part, Sang and knelt and prayed together And the God of Bethel entered his heart? The coach-wheels rolled, a ship...
John Kriel Murray (1904-1995)
John Murray is in Robertson gebore, die vyfde van tien kinders van ds John Murray en vrou Susie Kriel. Ná haar man se dood het die bekende tant Susie vir baie jare in Stellenbosch gewoon waar haar kinders universiteit toe is. John besit...
Maria (Murray) Neethling (1831 – 1912)
Ons voorblad toon die foto’s van Maria, die vierde kind en oudste dogter van ons stamouers, Amdrew en Maria (Stegmann) Murray, en haar man Johannes Henoch Neethling (1826 – 1904). Maria ontvang haar eerste lesse aan moedersknie. Twaalf...
Charles and Amelia Murray
Charles was the fifth child (the fourth son) of Andrew and Maria Murray. As a little child of four, he was miraculously saved from drowning when he fell into a dam and was already unconscious when discovered. He received his education...